Enter Temenos;
a gateway to your journey of healing and discovery of self.

Temenos Psychotherapy is inspired by the ancient Greek concept of 'temenos’, a term Carl Jung used to describe the sacred and protected space of therapy. In our therapy space, 'temenos' symbolises the personal container we've intentionally created to honour you - your authentic voice, your process, your feelings, your boundaries, your time.

Temenos is more than a physical space; it’s an emotional and psychological sanctuary where healing and transformation can occur.

Our psychotherapeutic approach is firmly grounded in the creation of this nurturing space, a therapeutic container where we can delve into the depths of your inner world at your own pace and embark on a transformative journey. Our modern ‘temenos’ holds the conditions for your healing - care, warmth, safety, trust and unconditional support on your journey towards inner peace and wellness.

‘Temenos’ goes beyond our therapy space, it naturally unfolds into your personal life, walking with you through all life's moments.

Why Temenos?

Our Principles

We are truly more than talk therapy.

We provide an alternative to clinical and diagnostic led approaches to mental health by integrating holistic frameworks with modern, evidence-based therapies.

At Temenos Psychotherapy, we endeavour to:

  • tend to your humanness rather than focus on diagnosis or pathologies

  • provide a warm and nurturing space for all to work towards wellness and integration

  • respect your individual experiences and honour your innate wisdom in navigating them

  • walk with you on your journey with unconditional compassion and support

  • provide individualised support to your unique needs and circumstances

  • be our most authentic selves within the therapeutic process as a therapist

The Temenos Approach

Your journey at Temenos Psychotherapy is embedded with a holistic and non-pathologising approach to therapy.

We are committed to providing a therapeutic space that places you at the centre of your journey, providing you with unconditional support through your journey of self-discovery, growth and wellbeing.









We gently weave together the interconnected elements of your therapy journey, embracing the relational, somatic, emotional, and mental aspects of therapy.

This approach honours the deep connection between your mind, body, soul & spirit; guiding you on a transformative path that's uniquely yours.

The process of understanding you…

  • Mental

    We engage in meaningful conversations, exploring thoughts and beliefs as they arise. The focus is to assist you in gaining clarity and a deeper understanding of your inner processes and thought patterns.

  • Relational

    We provide personalised care, grounded in warmth and non-judgement. Our focus is on you & your needs, not labels or pathologising. We prioritise providing therapeutic support to create an environment where safety and trust can be felt.

  • Emotional

    Emotions are at the heart of our work. We help you explore, understand, nurture and express your emotions, allowing you to navigate and integrate them in a supportive and transformative way.

  • Somatic

    Our approach tunes in and listens to the wisdom that your body holds about your experiences. We guide you in becoming attuned to your bodily sensations, helping you understand how your physical responses are connected to your emotions, life experiences and core beliefs.

By seamlessly integrating these elements, we create a therapeutic version of 'temenos' where you can explore the interconnection of your mind, body, soul and spirit within a safe and supportive therapeutic relationship.

The therapy space becomes a place where healing, self-discovery, and your personal growth is nurtured and welcomed.

When you choose Temenos Psychotherapy,
you're choosing a path to self-discovery and transformation that honours the profound significance of your own 'temenos'.

Our practice values.

  • Respect.

  • Unconditional support.

  • Authenticity.

  • Safety.

  • Compassion.

  • Organicity.

  • Justice.

  • Integrity.

Want to know more?

We would love to hear from you.